Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is essential for environmental protection and disaster risk management. For example, INSPIRE, which is a European SDI initiative, has been established to support better environment monitoring and protection in Europe. The main focus of this course will be on the innovative methods, technologies and standards for sharing and using spatial information required for environmental protection and disaster risk management. The course will be composed of theoretical, practical, and independent studies.
By taking the course, it is expected that students will understand the advantages and importance of SDI in environmental protection and disaster risk management. They should also be able to use proper and innovative models, technologies and tools for the storage and management of spatial data (especially Big data) as well as sharing data among producers and user groups in an interoperable environment. Facilitating the accessibility and operational use of spatial data in the planning and decision-making process is the main use of SDI in environmental protection and disaster risk management.
As mentioned earlier, the course content will be decided based on the needs analysis and discussions in the working groups. A modern course shall be developed using innovative methodologies in ICT and SIST.